From Deadman's Trail

The Finlinson Family 2011 Holiday Letter

2011 Christmas Letter

Dear Family and Friends,

Really don't know quite how to start this Letter as this year has been one like never before. I wish I could say it had been a year of great successes but such has not been the case. My new home address is at the end of this letter. As most of you know, I have been working on the farm and the house since I arrived back here in Leamington. I have just about got all of the ground rotated out of Alfalfa and back into Alfalfa. I still have one little piece of ground that I need to get leveled so that it will water properly and then I will have everything done for the next 7 years or so. With the number of water shares that I have, I can only grow alfalfa and grain so no corn will ever be in the grown. This year I had to get different equipment to harvest the hay as my cousin sold his farm and equipment which I was using to put in my crops. I have bought an old baler to be able to bale small bales for sale to those who are buying hay from me. Most of my hay next year will be baled in big bales and sold. It is so much nicer just to produce the hay and sale it. I like seeing the check and putting it in the bank. I am sure the IRS is much happier with that result too. I currently have 3 horses that I am feeding. One of them I need to get rid of because I will never ride it. I also have 2 dogs and 4 cats. All of them were either Shelley's or her kids. After 4 years of trying to make a go of our marriage, we decided to divorce in Sep. So, I live in Leamington and she lives in Delta. She traded me in for some chickens which she really enjoys watching run around her backyard. I miss her and we still get together for dinner. I enjoy spending that time with her. She has a new job as a security guard at the big power plant our community is so lucky to have. I am grateful she got that job as it provides medical insurance for her. She appears to be happy. Like I said, I got the dogs, cats, and horses which were all hers to keep me company. I am grateful to have them.

As for the house, I installed new windows and a central air conditioner this year. Next year, I hope to complete the bathroom and kitchen. I also got plans approved for two new additions to the house. I hope to save enough money to get both additions on this coming year. I am, however, working on a 4 year plan to complete the house as I don't want to go into any debt to build it. I think it will be nice when I am done and will look forward to the day I can take my furniture out of the storage units and put it into the house. I just completed putting a roof over the storage units I purchased. I bought 3 of them and putting them into the shape of a "U". As they are now covered, I have a 20 X 30 foot shop and garage. I plan to move items from the house to the new garage as I renovate each room. Lots of work ahead.

This last year I joined a bowling league and bowled on Wed nights through Mar. The League started up again in Sep. I have steadily raised my average but still have a long way to go to get the consistency that I would like. I also have been playing racquetball for the last two months. Tournament starts next week so I will see how that comes out. If I play the way I can I should win it. This year also marked the second year I have played in the Men's Golf League. I have come so close to being in the money in a couple of tournaments but just don't force myself to play often enough to be consistent. So, I consistently screw up just enough shots to lose. This has been a busy year for the American Legion. We have participated in so many activities and have accomplished graveside services for so many WWII veterans. The Post average age is over 80 so many who have participated in the past are no longer able to get out and about. It is sad to lose these great men. This past year I also sang in the church choir. Have enjoyed that. Starting in Jan, I start serving on the City Council and will be in charge of maintaining the cemetery and the roads in town. I am sure I will helping out with the Leamarado Day celebration as well. So, that is life here in Leamington. Family, Church, Community, American Legion, sporting events, farming, house building, and reading. What a great life and I wouldn't trade it for anything at this point in my life.

As for the kids, Kjirsten is doing well. Still working the night shift in the Mother/Baby unit at Northbay Hospital in Fairfield. Still lives in our house there and keeps it going. She is saving to put a new roof on it within the next couple of years. We still need to come up with a plan for the backyard. Lots of work to be done there. Need to get new fences installed between the neighbors as the ones there are 40 years old and falling down. Nothing is cheap to get accomplished in CA. So, I will eventually have to spend time there to accomplish the work that needs to be done. On the bright side, Kjirsten and I will be going to Mesa to see David, Aubrey, and the kids in Jan. I am really looking forward to that trip. I certainly don't get to spend the time with them that I would like to. Kjirsten still has some very good friends who keep her involved with their families. She enjoys going to eat with them for the Holidays and is appreciative of the invites to all other special events. She has a man that she would love to marry but he has not been forthcoming with a proposal. So, she enjoys the special things that he does for her and their time together. They have known each other since 2001. He has married and divorced and has a couple of kids. I met him when I was in CA and got to spend some time with the two of them. I certainly want nothing but happiness for Kjirsten.

David, Aubrey, Shane, and Alyssa are doing well. David finally is employed full time again. He is working for Lab Corp which collects and processes lab samples. They do something like 72000 samples a week in the Phoenix area. He has a large number of clients that he services which keeps him busy every day. His office, warehouse, and laboratory are right next to the Phoenix airport so he drove me by the facilities last time I was there. I pray for his success every day. He is so good at what he does and is always looking for ways to improve the process. He is active in his Ward. This year he also played soccer and basketball to try to stay in shape. Aubrey is still working part-time for her Dad in his business. She is active with her church calling. I saw the amount of effort she put into her activities when I was there last time. What a perfectionist. What great teaching materials she prepares. Her effort just blew me away. She loves being close to her family and the kids love having their cousins to play with. It is a great situation. I can't wait to spend more time with the grandkids in Jan. Shane is one smart little boy and just passing through the Terrible Threes. Alyssa is a joy to be around. She was so loving last time I was there. Loved it. I enjoy playing with them and taking them to the play grounds close by. Last time we went shopping and picked out belated Christmas gifts. Can't wait to do it again this year.

Shelley's children are doing well except we don't hear much from Anna. She moved to Elko and we worry about her and Ryder constantly. Shelley sure misses Ryder. She drove to Elko and brought him back to Delta for a week or so. Then, she got her new job and had to take him back to Elko. Carter is still working as a mechanic on the equipment being used to expand the number of lanes on I-15 between Payson and Lehi. Huge project that will last for about another year. Kip and Deidre are doing well in their jobs. They have accomplished so much with their home. Their children, Acey and Nash, are both really special. Acey loves to have her picture taken and Nash for some reason has always loved to give me hugs.

As this year winds to a close, I pray the Lord will keep you all safe and healthy. I hope each of us will celebrate the birth and life of our Savior, Jesus Christ, and live our lives in such a manner that we might enjoy his love and presence throughout eternity. I am so grateful that we still enjoy friendship after so many years. God Bless.


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