From Deadman's Trail

The Finlinson Family 2012 Holiday Letter

2012 Christmas Letter

Dear Family and Friends,

My Leamington home info is at the end of this letter.
This has certainly been a year filled with joy for the most part. The additions are on the house and the outside is almost done. Only the 3rd crop hay got rained on. I Grant Deeded the Fairfield house to Kjirsten so I am almost out of CA. I have 3 horses I can't ride and 2 dogs and 2 cats. I am grateful to have them. They are good company. I can still play golf, bowl, and travel. The kids are all doing well. I just don't get to see them often enough. Wish they lived closer.

The bowling league began in Sept. My participation was delayed for an Alaskan cruise with my older sister, Margene, and my older brother, Neal, and his wife, Marie. We stopped both going and coming at my younger brother, Scott, and his wife, Paula's home near Seattle. They spoiled us rotten. Limo to the seaport going and tour of Seattle after we got off the ship. Fed us like royalty. Awesome. Started bowling when I returned but it was short lived as I broke my arm falling off a hay wagon. So, I have been reading lots of books. In Dec, my older sister had me escort her and her daughter around Las Vegas. The shows were great. Saw David Copperfield, Terry Fatar, and Shania Twain.

This has been a busy year for the American Legion. Too many WWII veterans have died. The Post lost its Treasurer and Adjutant. I am now filling those positions. Still singing in the church choir and enjoying that. Sooner or later I might even learn how to pitch myself. As the City Councilman in charge of maintaining the cemetery and the roads in town, I was kept busy. Resurfaced the Town roads and prepped the cemetery for Memorial Day. Ran the concession stand for the Town's Leamarado Day celebration. I went to CA in Nov to see Kjirsten, her boyfriend, and lots of old friends and enjoyed great meals with the Fox family. Got to play a couple of rounds of golf and as always enjoyed that time together with my dear friend William. I thank Jim and Terry for the help in getting my new Ipad up and running.

As for the kids, Kjirsten is doing well. Still working the night shift in the Mother/Baby unit. She put a new roof on the house as well as a new front door and garage door. She has a man, Tommy, and enjoys the special things that he does for her and their time together. Kjirsten and I got together with him in San Francisco. I got to see one of the buildings that Tommy is Maintenance Supervisor for and we went to the Car Show at Moscone Center. Had a great time.
Kjirsten and I went to Mesa to see David, Aubrey, and the kids in Jan. David, Aubrey, Shane, and Alyssa are doing well. David is still working for Lab Corp. I pray for his success every day. He is so good at what he does and is always looking for ways to improve the process. He is active in his Ward. Aubrey is still working part-time for her Dad in his business. She is active with her church calling. She loves being close to her family and the kids love having their cousins to play with. It is a great situation. Shane played T-ball and started going to school this year and is making that adjustment. Alyssa is a joy to be around. She is so loving and is almost as big as Shane.

Shelley's children are doing well except for Anna. Shelley now has Ryder, Anna's son. She has been a great grandmother to him and he loves her so much. Carter changed jobs and is back in Delta. That has allowed him to help out with Ryder. He has been working for his friend repairing farm machinery and vehicles. Kip and Deidre are doing well in their jobs. Their children, Acey and Nash, are both really special. Acey is beautiful and Nash is growing like a weed. .

As this year winds to a close, I pray the Lord will keep you all safe and healthy. I hope each of us will celebrate the birth and life of our Savior, Jesus Christ, and live our lives in such a manner that we might enjoy his love and presence throughout eternity. I am so grateful that we still enjoy friendship after so many years. God Bless.

707-738-5996 Cell 435-857-2478 Home
PO Box 38016
Leamington, UT 84638

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