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Trip to Washington DC for the 1965 Inauguration Parade

Inauguration 1965

How would you select the squadrons to march in the Inauguration? Why not have a "march off?" And so, the powers that be figured if you could march well to lunch, with a little (or lot) of practice, you could march well in the streets of DC.

First there was a round one of slimming down from 24 squadrons to a handful. As I recall, that was a lunchtime competition. After all, wouldn't every cadet want to go to DC to march in freezing cold weather carrying their 9 lb M-1 rifle? Since the inauguration was on a Wednesday, maybe the "winners" would get a week off and not have to make up classwork or homework. The competition was a serious affair for CS-24. There were extra practices for the march off at lunch. Then there were extra practices to get into the final two(?). Those practices were under arms. There's nothing more fun for a doolie than marching with a rifle with a firstie behind you. Mr. Burnett, pull your stock in. Mr. Motz, you're bouncing. All you squats are bouncing!

We must have improved because our squadron would get an all-expense paid trip to Washington, DC to see LBJ on the East Portico of the Capitol. Now, we will do Real Practicing. Practice early; practice late. Practice with hoods up; practice with hoods down. Practice in O-coats? No, we'll be in our Parade Uniform. Oh, take your overcoat just in case. You might wear it some other time.

Washington, DC in the winter can be a fickle friend or foe. The parade was to take place at about 1430 (we'd be up at first light) and there had been an inch or so of snow. Temperatures? Who knows - probably cold. Someone needs to make a decision on what uniform to wear. The call was made to wear our overcoats over our parade uniform. Like we've ever done that before. So we are all snug in the horse blankets, unable to move our arms and with 38 degrees as the temperature, sweating profusely. Who made that stupid decision? The claim was, all the other Academies would be in overcoats. Not so much. Check out the Merchant Marine Academy.

Not to worry, at least the streets will be clear and we won't be cold. Hmm, think again. The snow would be well cleared by the reviewing stand, but that was a long march from the assembly and start area. Note the fine conditions on the route. There goes the spit shine.

Never fear, it will be an honor and a joy to see our distinguished President on the reviewing stand. He may be no JFK, but he is a Southern Gentleman. (Not even close). And his wife, Lady Bird is just as cute as the dickens.


So, the final "good deal" was no grace on missed classwork or homework. Get your butt in gear and do it on the trip back. For some of us, it was "support your classmates" and blow it off to help the curve.

What a memorable event!


Thanks, Bruce for the story and pictures.

What do you remember?

The Cadet Squadrons that went were: 4th, 7th, 13th, 18th, 20th and 24th.
The transportation mode was C-118.
The Inauguration Ball at the Andrews AFB Officers' Club.
Returned to the Academy with the Cheating Scandal investigation underway.

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