From Deadman's Trail

Request for Website Input - 27 November 2023

First of all, I hope you and your family are all staying well and had a nice Thanksgiving, looking forward to the upcoming Holidays and have remained safe and secure this past year.

Well it's time once again for your Friendly Webmaster to bug you for providing some input to the Class of '68 website,

If you send a Christmas letter out over the Holidays - please email me a copy for sharing with your Classmates - you can see current and past letters here.

The In Memoriam pages on our website receives my special attention. For many or our deceased Classmates, there is little information on the website - so, if you have information or a story to share, please send it to me. Also, if you learn of the death of a Classmate, please do not assume that it was reported - let the AoG and/or me know.

Tell me who to tag for the Spotlight. If you have some suggestions, including yourself, send me an email.

I'm always looking for pictures of past and present cars - a continuing project is: Car Pictures. Are there more than three Classmates out there that still have the car that they had at graduation? What is your ride now - email me a picture?

The website has nearly unlimited storage for stories, documents and photos. I can, and have scanned, posted and returned documents, pictures, 35mm mounted slides and 35mm negatives.

Remember, our Scribe, Tim Davidson's, Checkpoints Class News, is posted as soon as he submits it for publication.

f you're on Facebook and not one of the 140+ of us that are members of the "Private" USAFA68 Group on Facebook, consider joining (send me an email), more information is here. Our Facebook page is useful in letting you know when Tim's latest Class News has been submitted.

Lastly, our group of esteemed and experienced Reunion Committee did a superb job to make our 55th most enjoyable. Take a look at the pictures here.

Nita and I plan to be with some of our family and over the Holidays - hope you can too.

Be Safe and Take Care.

Pat Russell
USAFA68 Webmaster

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